In the News♥
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Christmas in July Winter Clothing Drive
While July usually calls for swimsuits and sunscreen, it's time to shake things up a bit with a heartwarming twist: Christmas in July! How, you ask? By organizing a Winter Clothing Drive, of course! Let's make sure our community stays snug when the chilly winds of...
Ode to the Food Hub
Written & Performed by Food Hub Shelter Team Member: Tina “Thunda Khatt” Ortiz Ode to the Food Hub In the shadows of the city's towering pride,Where dreams collide with harsh realities outsideThere's a place, a beacon in the night's embrace,The Lancaster County...
2024 Annual Spring Breakfast
2024 Annual Spring Breakfast Nourishing Roots, Tasting Tomorrow:A Family Recipe for Growth and Change Wednesday, May 8 • 7am-9am The Atrium at the Ware Center • 42 N. Prince Street You're InvitedJoin us at our annual gathering, where you can enjoy delightful cuisine,...
About Love of Food and Making Community Connections With a Purpose
Guest blog by Lancaster Downtowner, Andy Berfond Remember Restaurant Week? Not too long ago an annual tradition took place all around the city, when local restaurants offered special deals to entice the consuming public to dine out. It was celebrated with a...
So much happening under the big, red awning & the community! The Food Hub team is excited for a busy end of year, and with lots of happenings coming up this fall and winter, we wanted to push some fun events to add to your calendar! Kitchen Kettle Scarecrow...
A Little Goes A Long Way…
A Little Goes A Long Way... While digging through archive files for the 2022 annual report, we came across a box full of LCCC newsletters. To our delight, we immediately recognized two familiar names - Joan & Larry Sherman. In the specific article, we found the...
2023 Annual Spring Breakfast
Join us Annual Spring Breakfast Wednesday, May 10 • 7am-9am Ware Center • 42 N. Prince Street You're Invitedto join us for a time of reflection, reimagining the work and priorities of the Lancaster County Food Hub, and responding to community...
Little rays of sunshine
Little rays of sunshine 2022 was a year of big ups and giant downs and little ups and slow declines. It was capped off beautifully with a super-challenging, soul-filling, community-wide response when an expanded emergency shelter - organized and developed in just 48...
PA Eats Highlight on Fighting Food Insecurity in Lancaster, PA
We are always grateful when a news outlet highlights the work we do. Day in and day out, we feed, clothe and offer shelter to our neighbors who are struggling. It's no small feat and a sheer miracle to all who come to the Lancaster County Food Hub for the first time....
Providing Warmth and Safety During Very Cold Temperatures
Right before Christmas in Lancaster, PA, the weather got intensely cold - too cold for our neighbors experiencing homelessness to be safe. Together with the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition and the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority, we quickly pivoted...
CBS News 21 Highlight Lancaster County Food Hub
This Holiday season, we were featured in CBS 21's 21 Days of Caring - Counting down to the holidays featuring 21 organizations doing good in the community. This year more than any other, our community is in need of what we offer at the Lancaster County Food Hub. Free...
Support the Food Hub during the ExtraGive!
It seems impossible that less than a year ago, I wrote to you saying, "this year has been rough. Things are not like they used to be. They haven't been for a very long time, and they likely will never be again." I shared those words for the purpose of balancing them...
Celebrating Compassion in Action & Making a Difference – 2022 Annual Spring Breakfast
On May 11, 2022, after a two-year hiatus, a group of over 100 community supporters gathered to celebrate Lancaster County Food Hub’s compassion in action for 75 years at the annual Spring Breakfast. Highlights included: Paige McFarling, executive director, discussed...
2022 Annual Spring Breakfast
Join us Annual Spring Breakfast Wednesday, May 11 • 7am-9am Ware Center • 42 N. Prince Street You're Invitedfor a reunion celebration of friendship, perseverance, and service. Learn about community needs and the impact we can provide together.This close to the...
Lancaster’s Community Meals
Check out the community meals offered in Lancaster County by visiting: Learn More About Us! Connect Contact Us Get Our E-mails Get Involved Volunteer Donate Events & Happenings Get to Know...
She came to give back because of what’s been given to her… this is Maria’s story
Maria Diaz came as an energetic volunteer from Giant Foods on Columbia Avenue because she wanted to give back, specifically to the Lancaster County Food Hub. Her journey to recovery started in 1995 when she went to the South Street Clinic because of her broken hand....
Souper Bowl of Caring for Lancaster County
The Lancaster Church of the Brethren is passionate about giving back to the community. During a two-hour event, our (young) neighbors raised over $4,000 and 1,300 pounds of food for our neighbors in need! But it didn’t end with cans of food or dollars in a jar… It’s...
The Ordinarily Invisible Were Seen During the Height of COVID-19
At the Lancaster County Food Hub, our doors have remained open, and we have continued to serve our neighbors through the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our emergency Winter Shelter was extended through April, which allowed us to meet the urgent needs of our community. Our...
Raquel’s Story: 23 years of service with the Food Hub
Raquel Resto is one of our superstar employees at the Lancaster County Food Hub. Raquel is known not only as the Clothing Bank Coordinator, but as someone who truly cares about our community. This month we are celebrating Raquel’s 15-year work anniversary. But Raquel...
How to Help: Without Spending a Dime
We are so grateful for our community stepping up to meet the needs of our neighbors during this time of uncertainty! Here are 5 easy ways to support the Lancaster County Food Hub, without even spending a dime! 1. Follow us on social media! We actively post to our...
Updates at the Food Hub: Moving Forward Despite COVID-19
As you are aware, we have continued to provide food distributions on our normal schedule throughout the COVID-19 pandemic so that anyone needing food has a resource they can utilize. In order to do so, we have made modifications to our delivery service which has...
Giving Through A Game: An Easy Way to Partner with the Food Hub
The Gibson Family partnered with the Lancaster County Food Hub, and showed our community how to make generosity FUN! The Gibson Family's 4 children, Corban, Ava, Abby, and Emmy split into two teams to see who could buy the most items for the Lancaster County Food Hub!...
a NEW Initiative Happening at the Hub
We are so excited to share with you about the Food Pharmacy, a new project that will impact many individuals. The Food Pharmacy is a pilot project led by Lancaster General Hospital (LGH) where the Lancaster Food Hub serves as a host site. The premise behind this...
The Food Hub: On the Air
The Lancaster County Food Hub was recently featured on By the Way, with Fun 101.3 FM. Hosted by Tom Richards, the radio show features individuals and organizations in the Lancaster community who are influencing and helping others. Gail Rittenhouse, Executive Director...
The Grocery Outlet’s 5 for 5 Campaign
The Rohrerstown Grocery Outlet is partnering with the Lancaster County Food Hub for a 5 for 5 Campaign. Every July the Grocery Outlet facilitates a generous campaign and choses a local organization to give back. This year, the proceeds are benefiting the Lancaster...
The “Out of The Bag” Experience
Whether you're coming in for service, or you're a volunteer joining us to serve, your experience at the Food Hub matters. We want you to feel valued, loved and appreciated when you come through the doors of the Lancaster Food Hub, no matter who you are. - When you...
Who We Are: A Resource
Our Community is inspired, fresh and full of flavor! Just last week, one woman picked up food from the Food Hub to prepare for a community meal. Our hats go off to individuals like Christina and her team from St. Anne’s church, who prepare delicious meals at St....
Community Partnership: Pepperidge Farm
The Lancaster County Food Hub partnered with Pepperidge Farm to provide food for families at Ross Elementary School. The Pepperidge Farm staff filled 135 backpacks with food for students and their families. The Lancaster County Food Hub visited the Denver Plant of...
24th Annual Auntie Anne’s C.A.R.E.S. Charity Golf Tournament
Caring for people is at the core of Auntie Anne's and is the purpose upon which "Auntie" Anne Beiler founded the company. The proceeds raised this year will benefit Auntie Anne's national charitable partner, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, PAL (Police Athletic...
Service Spotlight
“She is wearing an American flag shirt today, and she has a story to share,” exclaimed one of our Food Hub team members. And Linda does have quite a story to share. She has been coming to the Lancaster County Food Hub for over 4 years. Linda shared, "I am an...
Lancaster County Food Hub 2019 Annual Breakfast
We recently hosted our 2019 Annual Breakfast on May 16 at Highland Presbyterian Church. We were excited to have the Secretary of Education, Pedro A. Rivera, as our keynote speaker. Connect Contact Us Get Our E-mails Get Involved Volunteer Donate ...
Introducing Lancaster County Food Hub
Our organization was founded in 1947 by a Council of Churches that came together to be a unified voice for the church and was appropriately established as the Lancaster County Council of Churches. Over the years, the organization grew and developed into a large social...
WLCH FM91.3 Radio Interview
Check out this radio interview with WLCH and Raquel and Alex at the Food Hub. We are neighbors helping neighbors.
Click the image above to listen to the WLCH interview.
Lancaster County Food Hub Met Pandemic Demand with Shift to Grab-n-Go Meals
The Food Hub does not serve meals directly to clients. Rather, the 74-year old organization stores inventory in its 7,200 square-foot facility at 812 N. Queen St., from which food is then distributed to church-based community meal programs.
According to Food Hub Manager Jackie Dilworth, each meal site may serve anywhere from 75 to 300 people at each meal, for a total of around 5,000 to 6,000 meals per month.
Click the image above to learn more.
‘Pack the Park’ aims to help area non-profits with donations
LANCASTER, Pa. (WHTM) — Inside of Clipper Magazine Stadium there’s been no baseball action on the field for 16 months because of COVID-19, but this week the Lancaster Barnstormers are hoping to fill their stadium.
The baseball team is hosting “Pack the Park” food, clothing, and personal drive item.
“The holidays are a season of giving and everyone is giving, giving and then January comes around and the need doesn’t stop but the giving slows down,” director of Fan Experience for the Barnstormers, Alex Bunn, said. “We want to start 2021 off strong.
Lancaster clothing bank reopens after precautionary shutdown: January 2021
LANCASTER, Pa. (WHTM) — The Lancaster County Food Hub’s clothing bank recently reopened and is once again providing free clothing to clients in the county.
Alexandra Schramm, interim executive director of the Lancaster County Food Hub, explains that they decided to close down the clothing bank in late November as COVID-19 cases increased around the holidays.
Now, once again, “We’re here. We’re open. We are neighbors helping neighbors in need,” Schramm says.
Fresh, Healthy Food for all of Lancaster
Fig Lancaster – Winter 2020
Organizations that make it their mission support the Lancaster community in immeasurable ways.
The holiday season brings magic to the air, cozy nights, fond memories, and a special attention to the rich tapestry of support that is woven into our community.
One of the many amazing attributes of the people of Lancaster is their ability to lift each other up, assist neighbors in need, and open their hearts to causes that are bigger than themselves.
New Name, Same Helping Hand
You may know them as LCCC or Lancaster County Council of Churches, but with a bold new name, a strong mission, and clear vision, Lancaster County Food Hub is ready to take the next step and further support their community!
Rooted in faith and compassion, the Food Hub provides services that honor the dignity of all by striving to meet basic human needs. During the past year, it became clear to them that their former name no longer best represented who they are to the people they serve or to the community at large. To better communicate their mission, they’ve officially changed their name to Lancaster County Food Hub—Serving with Faith and Compassion!
Martin Insurance Donates to the Lancaster County Food Hub
During this time of pandemic, we as a company have been trying to practice mindful giving back to the community.
This week, with the help of Erie Insurance, we were able to donate $250 worth of food to the Lancaster County Food Hub – an organization that serves people and families in need, as well as the working poor, by providing them with food (fresh, frozen, and shelf stable), clothing and necessities. So, to the hard working people at Lancaster County Food Hub we say a great big THANK YOU for the important work you do and the service you provide to the most marginalized members of our community!
Read more about how Martin Insurance partnered with the Food Hub here!
Lancaster Barnstormers to hold two virtual events in honor of opening week
Two online events are slated this week for the Lancaster Barnstormers.
In lieu of purchasing tickets for Opening Night, fans are invited to make donations to the Lancaster County Food Hub, which is partnering with the Barnstormers for the evening’s festivities.
“Though it will not be the same as coming to Clipper Magazine Stadium to open up our 16th season here in Lancaster I think our fans and supporters will enjoy the Virtual Opening Day that our team was able to put together for them. And while bringing a little bit of the Barnstormers experience to their homes we also get to use this experience to raise funds for a great community organization, the Lancaster County Food Hub.” said General Manager Mike Reynolds.
Food Banks Continue Innovating to Meet Food Assistance Need
“As the unemployment rate goes up, the food gap goes up,” said Amy Hill, the director of community engagement and advocacy for the Food Bank, who moderated the virtual event.
Alexandra Schramm, the interim executive director of the Lancaster Food Hub and a town hall participant, agreed.
“We increased the food distribution to our clients by 30% to sustain them longer and keep them safe at home,” said Schramm.
The nonprofit also helped partner organizations pivot to a take out model of food delivery, supplying them with paper goods, prepackaged snacks and easy to prepare foods.
Council of Churches gave out 400 tons of food last year. Now it's called Lancaster County Food Hub
The Lancaster County Council of Churches has rebranded itself as Lancaster County Food Hub, the new name reflecting its longtime mission of feeding needy families.
The agency distributed over 400 tons of food to nearly 32,000 people last year alone, leaders said.
“It’s a leap of faith moving in this direction, but it’s also a recognition that we have grown into this,” the Rev. Kurt Strause, board president, said.
Hometown Hero: The Lancaster County Food Hub
Hometown heroes are giving away food and helping more people by changing their name.
Just last month, Lancaster County Council of Churches rebranded itself as Lancaster County Food Hub. The facility on North Queen Street says they’ve dished out hundreds of tons of food this year, but since the name change, they’ve noticed more people seeking out their services.