So much happening under the big, red awning & the community!
The Food Hub team is excited for a busy end of year, and with lots of happenings coming up this fall and winter, we wanted to push some fun events to add to your calendar!
- Kitchen Kettle Scarecrow Contest – Friday, September 15th – Saturday, September 23rd: We are so excited to be one of the 16 participating nonprofits in this year’s Kitchen Kettle Scarecrow Contest at the Tailgating Festival this September. The contest will feature non-profit themed scarecrows throughout the Village that will be created in partnership with local shops. We are thrilled to partner with the Olive Basin for the Food Hub scarecrow! During the festival, individuals will be able to scan a QR code or visit our webpage to vote for the Food Hub. Every dollar counts as one vote and Kitchen Kettle Village will match up to $1,000 of the winning scarecrow donations! All donations made through this campaign will go towards the Food Hub’s HandUp Partners program. Located at Kitchen Kettle Village (3529 Old Philadelphia Pike, Intercourse, PA 17534) Learn More!
- Lancaster Supercar Cruise – Sunday, September 17th from 8am-12pm: Since 2018, the Lancaster Supercar Cruise has been a premier season event that benefits the Lancaster Food Hub. The event brings the whole automotive community to one place for an incredible supercar show & rally, with millions worth of high-end luxury supercars in attendance. The road rally will begin at the Classic Auto Mall located in Morgantown, PA AT 8 am. This location will serve as the “pre-rally” show location for enthusiasts and owners to tour the event vehicles, and to get food & drinks before the rally begins. Located at Classic Auto Mall (6180 Morgantown Road, Morgantown, PA 19543) Learn More!
- CROP Walk – Sunday, October 15th from 1-3pm: Celebrating its 51st year since inception, we are excited to once again be a part of the Lancaster County CROP Walk – with 25% of proceeds going towards the Lancaster County Food Hub! This year’s walk will be dedicated in memory of Father Alexander Veronis, chairman and spearhead of the annual Crop Walk for more than 40 years and huge supporter and advocate of the Food Hub. The Food Hub will have a team and we are inviting any and all to join us at the walk to participate for a day of exercise and good fellowship. Located at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (64 Hershey Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603) Sign up to join the Food Hub team!
- Cabalar Fundraiser – Saturday, October 21st: Cabalar Meat Co. has generously offered to host a fundraiser to benefit the Lancaster County Food Hub. Save the date and get ready to eat some delicious food while supporting your Lancaster neighbors. Stay tuned for more details!
- ExtraGive Food Truck Rally – Friday, November 17th from 1pm to 4pm: The Food Hub is hosting a “Pay What You Can” Food Truck Rally to get everyone excited for the ExtraGive. Featuring 3 popular food trucks – Chellas, Blazin J’s, and DoughHeads – attendees will be able to enjoy grab & go style food from the trucks and ‘pay what they can’. Whether that be $1 or $500, the event will create an accessible experience for our clients, staff, volunteers, and will allow for everyone to participate. This Food Truck Rally costs will be covered through generous sponsorships with all proceeds raised at the event going towards the ExtraGive! Stay tuned for more details!