Raquel Resto is one of our superstar employees at the Lancaster County Food Hub. Raquel is known not only as the Clothing Bank Coordinator, but as someone who truly cares about our community.
This month we are celebrating Raquel’s 15-year work anniversary. But Raquel didn’t start out as a team member, she began serving with the Food Hub as a volunteer, just like many others.
For 23 years, Raquel has faithfully served the Food Hub: both as a volunteer and team member. Originally, Raquel heard about the Food Hub through a friend, who suggested she simply volunteer in the Clothing Hub.
Raquel shared she has seen the Lancaster County Food Hub grow immensely, and she even claims the organization is huge now, compared to where the organization started.
We asked Raquel what drove her to join staff at the Food Hub. “The people!” Raquel exclaimed. Without a doubt, Raquel feels the Food Hub is family.
Raquel is driven by people and relationships. Her favorite thing about the Food Hub is helping people and meeting the needs of friends and neighbors in Lancaster County.
Raquel loves building relationships with our clients, and even seeing the families we serve in the community. Raquel’s kind and giving spirit truly shines through her service at the Lancaster County Food Hub. Often you will find Raquel in the waiting room greeting clients, receiving intake information, or just talking with volunteers about how to effectively serve others.
When Raquel first came on staff with the Food Hub, she led only 2 volunteers who assisted her in the Clothing Hub. As of today, Raquel leads a team of over 20 volunteers who faithfully serve our clients.
Thank you, Raquel, for your 23 years of service with the Lancaster County Food Hub. We are so grateful for you!
PS: Are you interested in serving at the Clothing Hub and working with Raquel? We are currently in great need of helping hands to help our clients shop for clothing. Volunteer roles within the Clothing Hub includes sorting donated clothing, filling racks with clothes, and helping clients to shop for their families. Please email our Interim Executive Director, Alex, at aschramm@lcfoodhub.org, to get involved today.