The Gibson Family partnered with the Lancaster County Food Hub, and showed our community how to make generosity FUN!
The Gibson Family’s 4 children, Corban, Ava, Abby, and Emmy split into two teams to see who could buy the most items for the Lancaster County Food Hub!
Here’s how the game was played:
The Gibson siblings split into 2 teams: Corban & Ava versus Abby & Emmy.
Each team of siblings was given $20 for the shopping spree, and the team with the most food items in the checkout line won!
All of the items purchased were generously donated to the Lancaster Food Hub.
Here’s what happened:
After an exciting shopping adventure, each team was able to purchase 31 ITEMS of food! WOW!
The Gibson Family game ended in a tie, but the generosity is a WIN!
Scroll down to view some photos of the Gibson Family’s adventure and donation to the Food Hub!

You can help the Food Hub, too! Here are a few ways to get involved:
Drop Off Food Donations
Food donations are always welcome and appreciated!
50% of the food we distribute is donated to us!
Food donations can be brought to 812 N. Queen Street at the DOCK B entrance between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Please ring the bell if the door is not open and a staff member will greet you.
Please be certain that the no items are EXPIRED or OPENED and that canned goods do not have significant dents especially at the top or bottom.
Needed Items:
Diabetic Food Items – Sugar Free
Meal helpers like Hamburger Helper
Canned Meals like Ravioli and Chili
You can also purchase needed items through our Amazon Wish List:
Thank you! We appreciate your generosity and kindness.